Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), the largest independent Muslim relief organization in the world, faced threats from Members of Congress and radical anti-Muslim groups wishing to stoke Islamophobic fears in North America. Specifically, a Member of Congress introduced legislation to revoke any and all federal funding for the organization while hate groups created false allegations about IRW and phony ties to terrorist groups. The challenge was clear. If USAID and other federal agencies cut off funding then IRW would struggle to provide humanitarian relief and would lose credibility and an essential partner.

Strategic Communications

Tuckahoe Strategies created positive and forward looking messaging for Islamic Relief Worldwide extolling the remarkable humanitarian relief provided by the organization in the U.S. and around the world. The messaging focused on three key areas to provide key audiences with an accurate overview of IRW’s work including its domestic relief work following hurricanes Matthew and Harvey and wildfires in California; gender justice issues; and, relief for children.

Media Event

To highlight the messaging and IRW’s mission, Tuckahoe Strategies created a media event featuring IRW leadership with the support of other internationally recognized organizations at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.  The event provided the opportunity to have a wide-ranging discussion on gender equality issues and the challenges women face and solutions for improving life.  

Tuckahoe Strategies also supported a Congressional staff briefing on Capitol Hill highlighting IRW’s interfaith cooperation with other groups such as Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and HIAS. The briefing focused on how groups from various denominations must work together for relief and peace. 

Digital Advertising:

Tuckahoe Strategies launched a highly targeted digital advertising campaign on select social media platforms. The objective of the campaign was to raise awareness and educate U.S. opinion leaders, policy makers, and staff about IRW and the

important work it is doing. To maximize the campaign’s effectiveness, the campaign focused on the key messages developed by Tuckahoe Strategies including:

  • IR Relief Efforts in the United States
  • Gender Justice
  • Children

The campaign, which targeted very specific audiences on Capitol Hill, Department of State, the White House and USAID generated hundreds of thousands of impressions while also driving significant traffic to IR’s website. 

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